About research at the YJB
The statutory functions of the YJB include a duty to commission research in connection with the operation of the youth justice system, prevention of offending and working with children at risk of offending. This as well as engagement with the wider evidence base supports the YJB’s wider statutory functions to monitor the operation of the system, advise the secretary of state and promote good practice.
In order to deliver this statutory function, the YJB we have a small team of researchers who…
- Commission and manage research and evaluation build the youth justice evidence base
- Conduct in-house research and evaluation
- Draw insights from research and evaluation
- Work closely with academics and researchers to support, draw learning from and disseminate external youth justice research and evaluation.
Our research: recently published research and evaluation reports
Our research: ongoing research projects
Prevention and Diversion Assessment Tool (PDAT) Evaluation (commissioned). The YJB have commissioned an independent evaluation of the new Prevention and Diversion assessment tool, as well as the accompanying training and guidance. This is a tool designed to be used by Youth Justice Services in the assessment of children who are subject to prevention or diversion intervention, as an alternative to AssetPlus.
Operationalising Child First (commissioned). Research to better understand how Child First is being operationalised across youth justice services (YJSs), including how YJB materials are being utilised and the barriers and enablers to implementation. This research will help the YJB to better support services in implementing a Child First approach. This work is being carried out by Crest Advisory. We expect to publish this research in 2025.
YJB’s Academic Liaison Network (ALN)
The Youth Justice Board’s Academic Liaison Network is a collaboration of academics with specialism in the field of youth justice. The aims of the network are to ensure the work of the Youth Justice Board is informed by the most up to date evidence, and enable opportunities for academic research to achieve impact on youth justice practice and policy recommendations.
We welcome network members with a range of lengths of experience in the field. This includes early career researchers and PhD students. See below for details of how to contact us if you’re interested in joining the network.
How do I apply to conduct research on behalf of the YJB?
When we commission new research we use the Crown Commercial Service Dynamic Purchasing System Marketplace. These are the Low Value Purchase System (LVPS) and the Research and Insights Frameworks. Only organisations registered on the selected frameworks will be eligible to submit bids. More information about these two frameworks including how to register is available here: Dynamic Purchasing System Marketplace – Supplier Registration Service (cabinetoffice.gov.uk)
The projects we commission are usually small-scale projects delivered over 1-2 years with budgets usually ranging from £25k-£100k.
Collaboration and Partnerships
We participate in the quarterly Youth Justice Social Research Group, a cross-government collaboration of researchers aiming to achieve co-ordination of and information sharing on youth justice research and evidence across government and Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs).
We regularly support academic research that aligns with our aims, through providing advice or sitting on advisory groups. Our ability to offer support depends on team capacity and strategic alignment. If you’re looking to find out more about how YJB might be able to support your research, please contact us using the details below.
The Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) was established to identify what works to prevent children and young people becoming involved in violence. Our partnership agreement with the YEF helps us to ensure that our activities to produce, identify and share evidence are as efficient, targeted and effective as possible. This helps us achieve the mutual aims of improving outcomes for children, preventing offending, including serious violence, and help make communities safer. Whilst working in partnership, both organisations maintain our independence of oversight, decision making and ways of working. Here is the YEF agreement.
The What Works Centre for Crime Reduction collects and shares research evidence on crime reduction and support its use in practice. This includes sharing evidence in the crime reduction toolkit, signposting research on the research map, and sharing practice in the practice bank. Research | College of Policing
Please contact us at YJBEvidenceandInsights@justice.gov.uk if:
- You would like to find out more about any of our ongoing research projects.
- You are interested in finding out more about our academic network or becoming a member.
- You would like to share information about upcoming, ongoing or published research you are involved with which you’d like us to be aware of.