This comprehensive guidance document from Lincolnshire Youth Justice Service has been developed to inform youth justice practitioners on ‘writing to the child’.
Flintshire Youth Justice Service has designed a tool to gather information from children about how they feel about various aspects of their lives, including mental health, school and substance misuse.
Cardiff Youth Justice Service has shared its Management Board Risk Register which has been designed and successfully used to capture risks identified at the service.
Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) has shared guides and a toolkit to support children’s services staff working with children in vulnerable circumstances embed opportunities for learning about money into the support they provide.
The Changing How Adults Notice Children’s Experience (CHANCE) group is a peer-led participation group based in Rotherham Youth Justice Service. The group shares their experiences of education, social care, youth justice and the police.
Derby City Youth Justice Service has shared its assessment schedule for youth justice practitioners and secure estate staff working with children going into custody. The document includes different actions and assessments with scheduled timeframes to complete as a child passes through the different stages of the secure estate; before, during and after.
A joint programme between the North East Local Enterprise Partnership and South Tyneside Council offered children mentoring, work experience and exposure to positive role models from a collection of employers across South Tyneside.
Leicestershire Youth Justice Service have stylised the YJB’s Child First Self-Assessment Toolkit which can be used with children. This Child Self-Assessment resource should be used alongside the prevention and diversion assessment.
Isle of Wight Youth Justice Service ‘Think before you BEEF!’ is a resource to support conversations with children around conflict, violence and how to avoid it.