
Get involved – Youth Justice Application Framework (YJAF) Research

We are working with researchers from a company called NEC Digital to better understand the different needs and challenges experienced by users of the Youth Justice Application Framework (YJAF). This research aims to help us make future improvements to the YJAF system. To get a wider understanding of YJAF users’ needs and challenges they would like to talk to YJS Practitioners (10 in total) and YJS Managers (5 in total).

Participating in this research would involve taking part in a 60 minute group session before the end of May 2024, with two members of the NEC Digital project team and 3-4 other YJAF users from YJS. These sessions would take place remotely over Microsoft Teams.

If you have any questions, or to express your interest in getting involved please email Jane from the NEC Digital team at jane.leggat@necsws.com by end of day Monday 13th May.