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A Child First Pathfinder Evaluation: Towards a Common Prevention Approach Across Wales – Ceredigion Youth Justice and Prevention Service (2021)


Access to the final evaluation and paper concerned with gathering children- views on prevention services as published by Ceredigion Youth Justice and Prevention Service Pathfinder. 


The Youth Justice Blueprint for Wales was published in 2018 and sets out a vision for the youth justice system in Wales. The Blueprint contains a series of recommendations for youth justice service targeted prevention work, which included exploring options for:

  • Developing effective monitoring of prevention activity to demonstrate impact;
  • Developing a national approach for targeted YJS prevention activity and ensure it is embedded in a joint framework model for Wales.

The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales commissioned Ceredigion Youth Justice and Prevention Service (YJPS), working in partnership with Aberystwyth University, to be a pathfinder project to research, develop, and evaluate prevention approaches (across Wales and used in Ceredigion specifically) to inform the development of these recommendations.

The Pathfinder has now published: A Child First Pathfinder Evaluation – Ceredigion Youth Justice and Prevention Service: Towards a Common Preventions Approach Across Wales is the final evaluation of the Pathfinder. The aim of the report is two-fold; firstly, it evaluates and reports the research undertaken by the Ceredigion YJPS in relation to their suite ‘prevention’ assessment, monitoring and intervention programmes. Secondly, it aims to situate these outcomes and processes into a wider picture of how similar Youth Justice prevention approaches could look across Wales as a whole.

Child First Prevention Pathfinder – Gathering Children’s Views on Prevention Services paper seeks to identify how best to gather feedback from children involved with voluntary youth justice service prevention projects using a question-based feedback tool. The paper showcases the outcome of the survey on how preventions work is delivered across Wales. The findings indicate that there is an appetite for a universal approach, including the sharing of standardised data and best practice.


Youth justice service:Ceredigion Youth Justice & Prevention Service  
Name:John Callow